How to Support US

"Empowering the under-served through gardening, education, inclusion, and community engagement."


The Ability Garden is a 501(c)3 non-profit, that raises 80% of its operating budget through the generous giving of our supporters.  If you are interested in supporting our programs, monetary donations can be made online, below.

If you would rather pay by check, please make checks payable to Ability Garden, and mail to:  Ability Garden, 6206 Oleander Drive, Wilmington, NC  28403

  Any donation amount is welcome:

  • $15 provides for a bag of soil
  • $75 funds a 1 hour group at the NHC Aboretum
  • $125 supports a 1 hour outreach group
  • $1,025 sponsors a 10 week enrichment curriculum at a local school, garden
  • $3,500 sponsors a school garden installation
In addition, we are in need of volunteers for special events, grant writing, and plants sales.  Please contact Heather Kelejian for more information:, 910-798-7660.

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You are donating to : Ability Garden at the New Hanover County Arboretum

How much would you like to donate?
$25 $50 $100
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
How many times would you like this to recur? (including this payment) *
Name *
Last Name *
Email *
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